Dorothy Baker
A talk by Golden Days Radio Presenter, Barry Gomm
Caulfield Cup Room, Glen Eira Town Hall, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Rds, Caulfield.
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Proof of vaccination is required for this event. Please do not attend if you are unwell.

Within 18 months of the introduction of television in Melbourne a new singing star appeared in ‘live to air’ programs. Winning several radio talent quests led Dorothy Baker to become a favourite singer at Melbourne dance venues and on TV, within a short time becoming a household name.
She made several overseas trips in the 1960s appearing with identities such as David Frost, Ken Cope and Semprini and recording for Parlophone. Fortunately for us she always returned to Melbourne TV where she stayed until retirement in 1970.
Her legacy continues with this talk on her music and career with rare clips of her TV performances which include other well-remembered stars of Melbourne and Australian television.
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